

Psychological Astrology Course

Date & Time:
– 2 July 2022, Sat (10am-6pm)
– 3 July 2022, Sun (10am-6pm)
– 9 July 2022, Sat (10am-6pm)
– 10 July 2022, Sun (10am-6pm)
– 16 July 2022, Sat (10am-6pm)
– 17 July 2022, Sun (10am-6pm)
– 5 August 2022, Fri (7pm-10pm), Exam Review
Course Fees: $3,500
Format: Zoom – Online Live Class

Bonus Weekend (PA Preparation):
– 11 & 12 June 2022 (Sat & Sun, 10am-6pm)

Course Covers:

  • Basic Understanding of the 25 Different Psychological Personas: Ways of identifying the personas from the astrology chart
  • Psychological Personas in relation to impact and behaviours: Comprehensive descriptions and explanations on the impact and behaviours that could manifest from the personas
  • Indications of Self-healing & empowerment: How to identify areas of self-healing and empowerment, and direct it to contributions to others

Bonus Materials:
1) Exclusive Access to Students-Only Facebook Group (1 Year)
2) Access Forums, Astrology Conferences
3) Access to Live Students-Only Meetups Events

Course Logistics/Materials:

  • Physical textbook and course materials will be provided and mailed to you before the course commencement.
  • Course Administrator will get in touch with you via email upon registration, for the course confirmation and other course logistics.

Course Contact/Support:
Get in touch with the academy’s course administration and support team via email: Hello@maysim.com or WhatsApp: (+65) 8138 3615

Registration Checkout

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