

Course Details

Course Outcomes & Objectives:
✅ Apply a deeper analysis based on your psychological astrology profile
✅ Gain awareness of blindspots & unconscious psychological behaviours
Use your psychological profiles as an asset in various life areas

Date & Time:
Bonus Weekend:
– 1 & 2 January 2022 (10am-6pm)
Format: Zoom – Online Live Class

Psychological Astrology Course:
– 26, 27 February, 5, 6, 12, 13 March 2022 (10am-6pm)
– Mystery Chart Review: 25 March 2022 (7pm-10pm)
Format: Zoom – Online Live Class

Bonus Materials:
1) 2-Day Bonus Weekend Session with additional course materials 
2) Added to the Selfstrology WhatsApp Group Chat
3) Access Forums, Astrology Conferences
4) Monthly Webinars with May
5) Access to Live Students-Only Meetups Events

Registration Checkout

Course Contact/Support:
Get in touch with the academy’s course administration and support team via email: Hello@maysim.com or WhatsApp: (+65) 8138 3615

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